Understanding Craniofacial Development in Children
It is our absolute passion to help kids sleep, breathe, and thrive. We believe in early intervention and follow the latest research to support craniofacial development in children. Because we’ve been treating adults and seeing the negative impact on their oral health due to an underdeveloped craniofacial structure, it has become our mission to assist the younger generation in preventing such issues. Our doctors are so passionate about this subject as they also have children.
There are several symptoms that are highly correlated with the underdevelopment of the jaw structure, including snoring, grinding, bedwetting, night terrors, ADHD, anxiety, TMJ issues, headaches, and speech problems. We used to see these symptoms mainly in adults, but now we see them in kids, too.
Cranial Facial development of children
The next few minutes I’m going to talk about cranial facial development of children. And this child came to me because dad was worried that the pediatric dentists wanted to take out her baby teeth sequentially to allow the adult teeth to come in and then eventually take out her adult bicuspids. And something that didn’t sit right with her dad, and partly because he went through the same thing when he was, who was younger and then now suffering through sleep apnea. So he didn’t want this to happen to his child. So we discussed our options here and maybe there are times when it makes sense, but nowadays, knowing what we know, we would never want take out any adult teeth if we can avoid it. So what we did for her was to expand her. So we expanded her palette to be much, much larger to allow one all the teeth to be in, and second is all the T to be in, but without crowding. So that’s always our primary goal.
And as you can see, this is a very different trajectory. I think the benefit not only not only has aesthetic benefits, but also has health benefits because we’ve been doing this for a while now. We’ve seen other kids that went through the expansion process where parents reported to us that the kids now don’t get up at night. They used to less bedwetting or no bedwetting afterwards, used to have asthma, but now it’s weaning off asthma medications, behaviorally and academically all improving. So there’s just so much benefits of making more room for breathing and sleep. And if you kind of go back to this picture where you see crowding, teeth crowding really is just a sign of on the development. So whenever we have a chance to actually deal with the child to be wider, where all the teeth will come in, this is really a normal development. So we hope this video can help you. If you’re a parent watching this and you have questions about any of this, please do reach out to us. We’re very happy to talk to you about just different ways to help a child. Well, thank you and thank you for watching and hopefully this is helpful. Thank you.
The problem may originate from soft tissues, such as enlarged adenoids/tonsils, tongue ties, or improper oral muscle function. If left unaddressed, symptoms may worsen.
Think of the tongue as a motor that drives the forward and sideways growth of the maxilla. There is often a direct correlation between compromised oral function and crowded teeth. Developing the upper jaw to be more forward and broader can create more space for the soft tissues to function. This can result in improved breathing and better sleep, two of the most important factors for a healthy human.
By utilizing modern orthodontic tools like removable and fixed expanders, elastics, reverse pull face masks, clear aligners, braces, and CO2 lasers; we can help our children function and develop optimally. We will also work with an ENT doctor, myofunctional therapist, and speech-language pathologist to determine the best solution for your child.
Dental Crowding Is a Sign of Underdevelopment
Dental crowding or two rows of teeth, commonly referred to as “shark teeth,” are just an indication that the jaw structure is too small. Many people assume that dental crowding is caused by having too many teeth or teeth that are too big. However, this is not the case. In fact, dental crowding is typically a sign of an underdeveloped jawbone. This is a common issue, particularly among children.
Waiting is not always the best option
Dysfunction left untreated worsens symptoms. Arch development and crowding worsened in this patient, who waited four years to seek treatment.
Below: 2023, 6 months post expansion. There is actually room for adult teeth. Bite is still deep but showing signs of improvement.
If your child is experiencing snoring, bedwetting, night terrors, disturbed sleep, teeth grinding, or attention issues, these could be signs of sleep disturbances related to an underdeveloped jaw structure. By creating more space for the teeth, the foundation can be developed, and many of these signs will naturally correct themselves.
Prior to treatment at 10 years old. Deep bite, tongue tied, lack of space for tongue. Patient was a mouth breather, woke up at night, and was on ADHD medications.
Post expansion, CO2 tongue tie release, myofunctional therapy. NO orthodontics. The patient achieved perfectly straight aligned teeth, improved overall health, and academic success without medication. Notice the changes in the shape of the palate.
Please call our office if you suspect your child could be suffering from tongue tie or underdevelopment of the jaw. We are passionate about guiding you towards a healthier tomorrow.
We collaborate with orthodontists, oral myofunctional therapists, physical therapists, and ENT specialists to correct various issues. If you have any questions about symptoms or potential treatments, please call our office, Advanced Cosmetic & Prosthetic Dentistry at Milford, MA, at (508) 850-0686 to schedule your consultation with our doctors.