Hello everybody. Dr. Ko here. Thank you for visiting our website. I would like to take the next couple of minutes to go over with you very quickly the workflow of treating, breathing, and sleep for adults in our office. Most people come to us because they have a previous diagnosis or they’re suspecting that they had sleep apnea. Now we don’t like to take their words for it, so we typically would put people through a test. This is a type three take home device called sleep image. And you wear this little ring that’s paired to your phone and the data really gets uploaded onto the cloud. So with this data and with imaging, we would customize a treatment for you. What we do a lot in our office is creating space. It’s expansion. A lot of people who drive from very far to come to see us because we’re really known for expanding the space for the palette and for the tongue. There are times we don’t use that tool. There are times when we reposition the mandible forward and in doing so the tongue goes forward with it. So that actually helps with people who have sleep apnea. So Mandibular advanced device is one tool we use. We don’t use this a lot. Our office is more known for expansion, but this is a tool that we do have. Now, other tools we have is, along with Invisalign and also a device called Vivos, DNA, we’re able to actually influence the shape of the palate and also change the circumference where the teeth land. And you can kind of see this is one of the patients we treated who had moderate sleep apnea after expansion with Vivos and Invisalign. Now the teeth has room to fit in without crowding and the shape of the palate is different as a result. Sleep apnea now has went from mild to none. Another tool we would use is called Mar P. The full acronym is Mini Implant Assisted Rapid Pal Expander. So same thing. This is really about creating more space for the tongue. And then typically when we create more space for the tongue to function in, we work with local myofunctional therapists to train the tongue to function that bigger space. And then afterwards we will release the tongue with our CO2 laser. All the workflow really is done in office.
We have many, many years of experience and patients do come from all over the place to come to see us for this kind of treatment. So I hope this video is helpful. If you have any questions, please do call the office and we’ll be happy to actually talk to you and customize the treatment for you.
In our office, we treat sleep disorders seriously. Even though not all sleep disorders are related to the head and neck anatomy, the most common disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) have a lot of mouth anatomy connections. In our office, we perform home sleep test (HST) using SleepImage device. We work with local and remote sleep physicians to provide a solution for patients who are diagnosed with OSA and cannot tolerate CPAP. This is a sample SleepImage study for a SevereOSA Adult.
Different treatment options are available in our office:
Invisalign Expansion – Not all Invisalign treatment is expansive in nature. Because airway is paramount, so the goals of Invisalign treatment in our office is never retractive, always expansive. Expansive movement allows more room for the tongue which often contribute to the obstruction. Sample of Invisalign expansion below.
Vivos DNA appliance – Epigenetics Orthodontic Therapy (EOT)
Patient doubled the size of her airway (from A-P) dimension, post treatment on the right
Increase in the overall size of the airway (smallest cross section) at the completion of Vivos treatment, post treatment on the right
This new and advanced oral appliance is:
- None surgical
- Removable
- Only worn in the evenings and night time
- Shown to reduce or eliminate sleep/airway problems
- Shown to improve migraine headaches and TMJ symptoms
- Improve nasal breathing
- Reduce or improve snoring
- Increase energy
- Improve posture
- Decrease anxiety
Oral Appliance Therapy (AOT)
Mandibular Advancing Device (MAD) also works. The goal is to move the tongue and other lower jaw anatomy out of the airway. We predominantly use Prosomnus, one of the leading companies for appliance therapy.
We can also make referrals to oral surgeons, periodontists, and orthodontists for other possible treatment options:
Maxillary mandibular advancement (MMA) – surgical intervention to advance the airway. We will refer you to world renowned oral surgeon in Boston.
Maxillary Mandibular Advancement Surgery
Distraction Osteogenesis Maxillary Expansion (DOME)
Mini-implant assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion (MARPE)
For more information, please visit VIVOS website or call our office at (508) 850-0686 for a consultation.