Implant Supported Crowns
This nice gentleman has been dealing with ill-fitting lower denture for years. It’s tolerable, but unpleasant. It is a story we hear from denture patients over and over again. Their dentures don’t fit, the “glue” upset their stomach, sore spots develop so they cannot wear their dentures for days, foods get underneath the denture and have to excuse themselves, restaurant menu has nothing soft and appetizing that they can eat.
He doesn’t have to deal with any of that anymore thanks to dental implants. He has the SAME function as he had before he lost his first adult tooth! He can have steak. He doesn’t have to worry about cavities. He doesn’t have to excuse himself to clean under his denture.
What kind of dentist is best for dental implants?
Success of dental implants is based on surgical planning with technology and experience. 3D imaging produced with a CT scan together with computer designed surgical guide will provide the utmost safety and success for patients.
How much is a top set of dental implants?
Although varies widely with location, complexity, and the type of implants, upper implant-supported bridge (also known as All-on-X, All-on-4) can cost between $25,000 to $35,000.
What is the most expensive part of a dental implant?
Surgical parts and instrumentation, as well as the surgical team’s time and expertise.
How many dental implants should I get?
If you are looking at a full arch fixed bridge restoration, a minimum of 4 implants is required. However, the distribution and diameter of implants really matter. 4 small implants concentrated in the front of the jaw will not support a full arch bridge. Typical treatment in our office is 6 implants distributed equally among the arch.
How long do dental implants last?
When dental implants are placed with 1.5mm of bone surrounding the implant, with healthy keratinized tissue around the implants, and supported a well designed prosthetics, we expect the implants to last a lifetime.
Are implants worth the money?
Even though this is subjective, 9 out of 10 patients who have dentures are happier with implant-supported prosthetics.
Are implants better than real teeth?
Dental implants cannot decay and when placed well can be more resistant to oral bacteria. Think of dental implants as the best tool to replace a tooth when it fails, but keeping natural teeth healthy should still be the top priority.
Are dental implants painful?
When dental implants are placed by a skilled and compassionate dental professional, there should be minimal discomfort at surgery, and minimal pain following the surgery. Most discomfort can be controlled by OTC pain medications.
Who should not get dental implants?
Patients who have a history of head and neck cancer with radiation to the head and neck area usually will have poor healing of the bone. This is also true with patients who have uncontrolled diabetes. Both incidences will have a significantly reduced success rate. Patients with severe TMJ/TMD issues where they cannot open their mouth wide can also have trouble receiving implants.
Can dental implants last 50 years?
The first dental implant was placed in 1965, and year after year, the technology of the technique and hardware are improving. When placed well with bone and surrounding tissue in mind, we expect dental implants to last a lifetime.
Can I get an implant immediately after extraction?
Yes, however, not every case is indicated. It depends on the amount of bone remaining after the extraction, location, density of bone, presence of infection, and ultimately chance of success of the implant. A lot of consideration is placed when considering an immediate placement of implant after extraction. In our office, less than 10% of the dental implants are immediate placement.